Take a 19 question quiz to test and certify your knowledge of the tutorial-video course
Live 9 410 - Looping With Live.
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  • 1

    What are the main gear requirements for this course?

  • 2

    What is the main reason to use the metronome?

  • 3

    How do you change the focus to a new MIDI track?

  • 4

    When Ableton was originally released, what was its main purpose?

  • 5

    If I want to play the classic Roland 808 drum kit sounds in ableton, what kit do I load?

  • 6

    What is the advantage of having multiple midi tracks pre loaded with your favorite instruments?

  • 7

    What does Looper allow you to do?

  • 8

    What does + allow you to do?

  • 9

    How to I make sure a clip will start on the one when I hit a button on my controller?

  • 10

    What is the name of the effect that can help reduce unwanted background sound on an incoming mic signal?

  • 11

    I recorded one part I like in looper, then hit + to add a new layer, but I don't like the sound. how do I remove the second sound?

  • 12

    What happens to a loop if I hit the up arrow in Looper?

  • 13

    How can you quantize an audio clip?

  • 14

    What is the recommended audio buffer size?

  • 15

    What is recommended global launch quantization?

  • 16

    Are the techniques learned in this video suitable for solo performance or performing with others?

  • 17

    If your hands are busy playing an instrument, what is recommended for live looping?

  • 18

    Can I use third-party VSTs in a live looping set?

  • 19

    If I need to hear metronome, but don't want crowd to hear it, I should _______.

Live 9 410
Looping With Live
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