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Logic Pro 212 - Vintage B3 Organ.
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  • 1

    The draw bars create complex harmonics using this type of synthesis:

  • 2

    You can adjust the master tune of the Vintage B3 in ________________.

  • 3

    The Vintage B3 is an emulation of what vintage instrument?

  • 4

    In which octave can you use the 12 keys to switch between presets?

  • 5

    The Scanner Vibrato and the Leslie effect are the same thing. True or false?

  • 6

    If you only have one keyboard, you can only play sound in the upper manual. True or false?

  • 7

    To change the signal flow of the effects...

  • 8

    The Rotor cabinet emulates the sound of the Leslie cabinet using mathematical algorithms and __________________.

  • 9

    How can you get a "turntable stop effect" with the Vintage B3 Organ?

  • 10

    You can only change to different types of microphones when using this cabinet model:

Logic Pro 212
Vintage B3 Organ
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