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Logic Pro 104 - Mixing & Automation.
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  • 1

    Which kick microphone is going to give you the most punch and definition?

  • 2

    Which plug-in in Logic has a phase flip button?

  • 3

    What is the shortcut to bounce your entire mix?

  • 4

    When using time-based effects on aux tracks, make sure to pull the DRY signal in the plug-in all the way down.

  • 5

    What is the shortcut to create a main window track for a selected track in the mixer?

  • 6

    Without pan law applied, tracks panned center will tend to sound:

  • 7

    The Vintage Tube EQ models the:

  • 8

    What is the shortcut to move regions to their recorded position?

  • 9

    Hold _____ while clicking and dragging to duplicate a region.

  • 10

    What band of an EQ is going to be best for boosting extreme high frequencies?

  • 11

    It's standard practice when mixing to add time-based effects:

  • 12

    If adding compression to a track results in clipping on the meter (pre-fader), what should you do?

  • 13

    It's generally a good idea to boost frequencies below or above the fundamental, but not directly on the fundamental.

  • 14

    Which type of send comes before pan and volume fader?

  • 15

    Which filter type attenuates low frequencies?

  • 16

    What is the shortcut to create a track stack in Logic?

  • 17

    A short attack time allows MORE of the front end transient through.

  • 18

    Folder Stacks allow you to add plug-ins to the stack for submix processing?

  • 19

    How can you quickly create a Channel EQ plug-in on a track?

  • 20

    It's generally a good idea to layer/double your existing drum track with a sample, rather than fully replace it.

  • 21

    Hold _____ while clicking to set faders back to unity gain.

  • 22

    Which parameter in a compressor controls the amount of compression as the signal passes the threshold?

  • 23

    Which of the following is a instrument that you almost always leave center?

  • 24

    What is the shortcut to enable/disable all groups in Logic?

  • 25

    Never use Linear Phase EQ:

Logic Pro 104
Mixing & Automation
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