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Logic Pro X 200 - MIDI FX: The Arpeggiator.
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  • 1

    What is the MIDI Signal Flow in Logic?

  • 2

    How can you get a staccato sound with the Arpeggiator?

  • 3

    What happens if you click on the Oct Range button?

  • 4

    Which Latch Mode will arpeggiate only when you hold down a key?

  • 5

    Randomizing the velocities _______________.

  • 6

    What is swing?

  • 7

    In Logic Pro X, MIDI doesn't flow through an Instrument Channel Strip. True or false?

  • 8

    What are Variations?

  • 9

    MIDI gets to the Arpeggiator by sending it on the IAC bus via another synths MIDI input source. True or false?

  • 10

    What's the maximum number of steps available in Grid mode?

  • 11

    How can you capture an arpeggio pattern and turn it into MIDI region?

  • 12

    How do you tie notes in Grid mode?

  • 13

    The Arpeggiator has no way to spread the resulting pattern over multiple octaves.

  • 14

    What does the "As Played" value mean?

  • 15

    It is possible to customize your own Remote setup. True or false?

Logic Pro X 200
MIDI FX: The Arpeggiator
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