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Logic Pro 312 - Scoring to Picture Toolbox.
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  • 1

    What property of a patch is unique?

  • 2

    If you have a movie starting at bar 5, what should you do immediately?

  • 3

    What is the difference between sample rate and frame rate?

  • 4

    The audio 2-pop used at 59:58:00 is...

  • 5

    What does the Tempo Operations function do that is unique?

  • 6

    H.264 files can cause problems in large sessions because of this.

  • 7

    How can you line up a scene to a bar line in the score?

  • 8

    Which of these sample rates is considered the industry standard?

  • 9

    What sound is most commonly used for a sync pop?

  • 10

    What is a window burn?

  • 11

    What is a sync pop?

  • 12

    This subject is not covered in this course:

  • 13

    Which of these is not found on a spotting sheet?

  • 14

    The initials "SMPTE" stand for this.

  • 15

    What mode does Pro Tools need to be in to sync up stems correctly?

  • 16

    What is the musical overlap between scenes called?

  • 17

    How do you include effects busses in an exported stem?

Logic Pro 312
Scoring to Picture Toolbox
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