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Logic Pro 301 - Logic Pro Advanced Mixing.
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  • 1

    In Logic's channel strip signal flow, the pan knob comes _____ the fader.

  • 2

    Which type of EQ uses more processing power, but does not cause phase coloration between bands?

  • 3

    Which Logic plugin allows you to enhance the harmonics of a recording?

  • 4

    Logic Pro template files are the identical to project files, they are just stored in the templates folder.

  • 5

    A correlation of _____ means there are no major mono compatibility issues.

  • 6

    What is the key command to set the cycle range to the selected regions?

  • 7

    What is the key command to create a track in the tracks area, for an Auxiliary Channel Strip?

  • 8

    Auxiliary Channel Strips in Logic do not support effects sends.

  • 9

    Moving a microphone closer to a speaker cabinet will result in:

  • 10

    Which type of compression is characterized by its 'smooth' texture and slow attack time?

  • 11

    Hold _____ while clicking on a Solo button to 'Toggle' the solo (cancels the previous solo).

  • 12

    The 'unison' parameter in a synthesizer, layers up multiple oscillators in unison for a thicker tone.

  • 13

    The I/O plugin in Logic can turn any hardware device into a parallel processing unit.

  • 14

    The I/O plugin in Logic can convert any stereo hardware to Mid-Side.

  • 15

    Which pan mode does NOT preserve stereo material when panning?

  • 16

    Which plugin has a built-in 'mono' button so you can check your mix in mono?

  • 17

    Use a compressor's ______ to limit the frequencies that trigger the compression.

  • 18

    A pre-fader send comes before the Audio FX inserts.

  • 19

    What is the key command to pull up Logic's built-in Drum Replacement dialog?

  • 20

    When bouncing a mix/master with realtime analog hardware (via the I/O plugin), you must use a ______ bounce.

  • 21

    Binaural panning can place sounds behind you

  • 22

    Hold _____ while clicking on an Audio FX Insert to access Logic's Legacy plugins.

  • 23

    To get rid of the 'flanging' effect in the Ensemble plugin, adjust the ____ control.

  • 24

    Hold _____ while dragging over a joining point between two regions to create a cross fade.

  • 25

    The VCA Master fader that is automatically created with all new Logic projects, controls the post-fader level of the Stereo Output.

Logic Pro 301
Logic Pro Advanced Mixing
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