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Logic Pro X 204 - Sculpture Sound Design Workshop.
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  • 1

    How can you set an Object to be heard only at the attack of a sound?

  • 2

    How can you simulate the harmonics of a real acoustic instrument?

  • 3

    How can you create the morphing motion?

  • 4

    When designing a string instrument (bass, harp, guitar), it is best to give higher notes more Media Loss. True or false?

  • 5

    In the tutorial, which parameter is modified to change the electric bass sound into an acoustic bass?

  • 6

    If the Resolution slider is set to its lowest value, the timbre of the sound will be consistent across the entire Material X/Y pad. True or false?

  • 7

    What happens when you bring up the Media Loss slider?

  • 8

    Which parameter should you raise if you don't want the Vibrato to affect the entire note?

  • 9

    What type of disturber is used on Object 3 to add some string buzz to the electric bass sound?

  • 10

    If you want to get very little higher harmonics in a sound, you should ___________.

  • 11

    The built-in Delay effect can be used in stereo. True or false?

Logic Pro X 204
Sculpture Sound Design Workshop
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