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Logic Pro X 403 - Olav's Power Tools & Tips.
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  • 1

    What is the default key command to show/hide the Inspector?

  • 2

    As shown in the tutorial, how can you apply a "ringing low cut"?

  • 3

    Pressing Control-Option and dragging in the Toolbar will zoom in and out horizontally. True or false?

  • 4

    What does it mean if there's a dot in front of a Screenset number?

  • 5

    What is the technique to apply "Surgical EQ"?

  • 6

    It is possible to only show the Toolbar without the Control bar. True or false?

  • 7

    How do you activate the Marquee tool click zones?

  • 8

    How can you quickly access the Zoom Tool?

  • 9

    Logic will always start playing from the Marquee tool selection. True or false?

  • 10

    Which compression mode will look at the average level of your audio?

  • 11

    Which compressor type is often used on rock drums?

  • 12

    What is the default key command to loop a region?

  • 13

    According to the tutorial, what is the most efficient way to apply a Low Cut on all your tracks?

  • 14

    Which of the following is not a classic VCA compressor?

  • 15

    What is the default key command to convert loops into regions?

  • 16

    How can you access the secondary tool in Logic?

  • 17

    Which statement is incorrect?

  • 18

    In the Piano Roll, each new note that you add with the Pencil tool will be of the same length as the last note that you clicked. True or false?

  • 19

    Which compressor model is an emulation of a Teletronix 1176?

  • 20

    How many node(s) will be created if you turn on Automation view, make a selection with a Marquee tool and double-click?

Logic Pro X 403
Olav's Power Tools & Tips
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