Take a 19 question quiz to test and certify your knowledge of the tutorial-video course
Logic Pro X 408 - The ART of Deep House.
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  • 1

    Deep House is usually slower than EDM. True or false?

  • 2

    Which type of sounds are often used in Deep House?

  • 3

    Which Compressor circuit type looks like an SSL Buss compressor?

  • 4

    What's the default key command to bring the mix window up?

  • 5

    Sometimes the mixer can get messy with lots of extra channels and busses when working with one or more drum machine designer plugins. What's a good way to clean it up?

  • 6

    According to the trainer, dropping a shaker pattern in a track is useful to...

  • 7

    In the course, the trainer recommends adding an EQ on the master output to:

  • 8

    The LA2A is:

  • 9

    In the course, what Logic instrument is used to create the Noise Cymbal sound?

  • 10

    The 1176 is:

  • 11

    What plugin is used in the course to warm up the song?

  • 12

    Drum Machine Designer lets you edit the individual drum sound by using the controls at the bottom of the the window. True or false?

  • 13

    In the course, why is the trainer inserting a Gain plugin on his kick?

  • 14

    Which classic drum machine sounds are often heard in Deep House?

  • 15

    Usually, what BPM is used in Deep House?

  • 16

    What compressor setting sets the level at which the audio signal will begin to be compressed?

  • 17

    What is Deep House?

  • 18

    What's the key command to open the "Color" floating window?

  • 19

    How can you adjust the dB scale of the graphic display?

Logic Pro X 408
The ART of Deep House
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