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Logic Pro X 102 - Core Training: Signal Flow.
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  • 1

    Software Monitoring lets you process live audio through insert and send effects. True or False?

  • 2

    Where can you create an Input Channel Strip?

  • 3

    You have a classical guitar track with a Send going to an Aux with a reverb plug-in. You'd like to create the perception that the instrument is away from the listener. How can you achieve that?

  • 4

    Which of the I/O buffer sizes will give you the shortest delay between what you play and what you hear through Logic while recording?

  • 5

    The Mute switch is _____________.

  • 6

    If you create a new Send on a mono track, what kind of Aux will Logic create by default?

  • 7

    What is the last stage in the audio signal chain within Logic?

  • 8

    You add a compressor, a distortion and a limiter on the insert slots of a Channel Strip. How are the effects connected?

  • 9

    What color is a Bus when the Send is On?

  • 10

    How can you create a subgroup?

  • 11

    What is the easiest way to find the destination of a Send?

  • 12

    In a parallel signal path, a single sound source is split and send by multiple paths to the same destination. True or false?

  • 13

    What hardware requirements do you need to set up an headphone mix in Logic?

  • 14

    A Post-Pan send is another kind of Pre-Fader send. True or false?

  • 15

    What is the traditional use of a Vocoder?

  • 16

    What are the key features of a channel on a hardware mixer?

  • 17

    Master Fader is just a different name for the Output Fader. True or False?

  • 18

    How do you set up the EVOC 20 in Logic?

  • 19

    What is side-chaining?

  • 20

    How can you quickly create a Send on multiple Channel Strips?

  • 21

    To adjust the level of the signal you're recording, you can adjust the fader of your Input Channel Strip. True or false?

  • 22

    What is a quick way to set a Send to Unity Gain (0 dB)?

  • 23

    What are microphones, guitars and keyboards?

  • 24

    What is the Golden Rule of Signal Flow?

  • 25

    What are synth plug-ins, Apple Loops, and WAV files?

Logic Pro X 102
Core Training: Signal Flow
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