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Maya 201 - Modeling.
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  • 1

    What does freezing an object's transforms do?

  • 2

    How do you enable mirroring so that selecting a vertex on one side also selects the vertex on the other?

  • 3

    Manipulating points on a lattice deformer does what?

  • 4

    How can you repeat the last operation?

  • 5

    Unlike smooth mesh preview mode, subdiv proxy is ... ?

  • 6

    How do you delete an unwanted edge?

  • 7

    What was used to create the light bulb?

  • 8

    What do you need to do to the claws before duplicating them to the right?

  • 9

    What can you do by holding down the Control key and dragging on the scale tool's Y manipulator handle?

  • 10

    How do you replace a vertex with a flat polygon face?

  • 11

    What window do you use to create shaders?

  • 12

    To delete the subdiv proxy, you need to first ... ?

  • 13

    What is the Storyboard?

  • 14

    When is it acceptable to leave out elements of a model?

  • 15

    What's a good way to create a seam?

  • 16

    How were the soles of the feet flattened?

  • 17

    To create the eyeballs, what type of primitive was used?

  • 18

    How can you delete the construction history?

  • 19

    How do you manipulate the shape of a NURBS primitive?

  • 20

    The goal of this course was to introduce you to the ... ?

  • 21

    How do you unhide and object?

  • 22

    How do you apply the reference image shader?

  • 23

    How do you see through an object?

  • 24

    To get an idea of how the model will look at a higher resolution, what do you do?

  • 25

    When should you decide on your project structure?

Maya 201
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