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Korg minilogue 101 - The Controls Explained and Explored.
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  • 1

    The voice mode depth knob changes function with each different voice mode. True or false?

  • 2

    How many voice modes are there?

  • 3

    What elements of nature can affect the intonation of your minilogue's oscillators?

  • 4

    What travels over the USB connection of the minilogue?

  • 5

    You can control your minilogue from another keyboard and play notes that are out of the physical keyboard's range. True or false?

  • 6

    What element can be added in the VCO mixer stage besides the 2 oscillators?

  • 7

    Holding the Shift button and pressing a voice mode button will...

  • 8

    The slider stick is locked into adjusting pitch only. True or false?

  • 9

    How many factory presets are included in the minilogue's preset slots?

  • 10

    When editing a sequence step, you must press the ‘save' button when finished. True or false?

  • 11

    What element of subtractive synthesis removes frequency content?

  • 12

    What is the first available empty initialized program slot that is available to save to?

  • 13

    How many favorites can be stored with the voice mode buttons?

  • 14

    How many step sequence slots are there for use?

  • 15

    In general, the signal flow is physically represented on the minilogue panel in a...

  • 16

    What buttons will take you to the various pages of the settings menu?

Korg minilogue 101
The Controls Explained and Explored
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