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Korg minilogue 201 - Programming the minilogue.
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  • 1

    To alter the percussive start to a sound, you would adjust...

  • 2

    The LFO can be free wheeling or synced in musical increments to the tempo of the minilogue. True or false?

  • 3

    How do you change the width of the pulse when using a square/pulse wave?

  • 4

    Once motion data is recorded to a step sequence, it cannot be altered without starting over again. True or false?

  • 5

    When editing a sequence on step at a time, you can record...

  • 6

    What effect does adjusting the feedback knob have on the final delay sound?

  • 7

    How many voices does the minilogue utilize?

  • 8

    When creating a pad, what element can add motion to the sound?

  • 9

    What is the most likely reason you might not hear the effects of adjusting the release of the filter envelope?

  • 10

    The LFO's wave shape is locked to a triangle wave. True or false?

  • 11

    Ring modulation produces...

  • 12

    The minilogue's filter has a selectable slope of...

  • 13

    The slider stick parameters can also be controlled with a pedal. True or false?

  • 14

    When syncing to an external tempo, you will need to use...

  • 15

    It is possible to reset the menu settings of the minilogue while still keeping the programmed presets. True or false?

  • 16

    The arpeggiator does not have to be locked to the program's tempo. True or false?

  • 17

    Which knob alters how much the envelope generator affects the pitch of oscillator two?

  • 18

    When syncing oscillator 2 to oscillator 1, adjusting the pitch knob will no longer change the perceivable pitch of oscillator 2. True or false?

Korg minilogue 201
Programming the minilogue
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