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Moog Mother 32 101 - Explained and Explored.
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  • 1

    What can be used to add modulation depth to a modulation that doesn't have that?

  • 2

    The Mother 32 is Eurorack-compatible. True or false?

  • 3

    How many oscillators are available on the Mother 32?

  • 4

    What patching will enable Filter Cutoff Keytracking?

  • 5

    PWM can help simulate unison detuning. True or false?

  • 6

    A gate signal send a high voltage for as long as a note is held down. True or false?

  • 7

    What are the two VCA Modes?

  • 8

    Is there a default preset on the Mother 32?

  • 9

    How can you enable Keyboard Mode?

  • 10

    What is the Keyboard CV range on the Mother 32?

  • 11

    Can the LFO be pushed up to audio rate?

  • 12

    A Mult can be used to duplicate any voltage signal. True or false?

  • 13

    How many wave shapes does the VCO section have?

  • 14

    Which filter mode was used to create a kick drum sound?

  • 15

    How can you enable Step Mode?

  • 16

    What are the two modes for the VCF?

  • 17

    How many output options are available for the assign page?

  • 18

    How many patch points relate to the VC Mix options?

  • 19

    LFO at audio rate going to the VCO Lin FM input can create metallic tones. True or false?

  • 20

    It is possible to create a feedback routing using the patchbay. True or false?

  • 21

    What modulator would you use to switch back and forth repeatedly from a low to high voltage?

  • 22

    The high pass signal is created by subtracting the low pass output from the original signal. True or false?

Moog Mother 32 101
Explained and Explored
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