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Motion 201 - Creating Titles and 3D Effects.
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  • 1

    If far-away objects aren't visible, what setting(s) might you need to change?

  • 2

    Which replicator styles are only available in 3D replicators?

  • 3

    Which of these is NOT a built-in Basic text behavior?

  • 4

    If you want to stop a 3D object from animating, what should you keyframe?

  • 5

    What does the Title Background element in a title represent?

  • 6

    Why use Align To rather than Link for a background element behind text?

  • 7

    What does a snapshot record?

  • 8

    True or False: you can scan a real-world object with an iPhone and import the model to Motion.

  • 9

    What's the key advantage of Paragraph Text?

  • 10

    What kind of light emits a controllable light cone with an optional soft edge?

  • 11

    What color arrow should you move if you want to move 3D text along the Y axis?

  • 12

    What new properties come into play with 3D text?

  • 13

    What option controls shadows cast onto text by itself?

  • 14

    Can Motion import Photoshop layers with Layer Masks?

  • 15

    What does Sweep do?

  • 16

    What option makes the text thicker along its Z axis?

  • 17

    What does Spread control?

  • 18

    What happens if you mix 2D objects, 3D text and 3D objects?

  • 19

    What type of Layer should you add if you want to add a scratch onto 3D text?

  • 20

    If a Camera is active but some objects aren't moving when the Camera moves, what's probably the problem?

  • 21

    Which of these is NOT a built-in Continuous text behavior?

  • 22

    Is it possible to allow a title to work in multiple aspect ratios?

  • 23

    What does Tracking control?

  • 24

    If you want to move 3D text through another object in a realistic way, is this possible?

Motion 201
Creating Titles and 3D Effects
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