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Motion 5.2 - New Features Explored.
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  • 1

    Using multiple materials means...?

  • 2

    Which one of these generators is new: Spiral Drawing, Polka Dance, Manga Explosion, Japanese Poster?

  • 3

    How many different tiles make up a Truchet Tiles "maze"?

  • 4

    Can the preset materials be modified?

  • 5

    Which of these materials will reflect an environment in the most obvious way?

  • 6

    Can you extrude and animate a 3D logo?

  • 7

    What happens when you copy and paste keyframes in the Timeline?

  • 8

    Which properties don't exist in 3D text and therefore can't be animated?

  • 9

    What do the wood, fabric and concrete substances have in common?

  • 10

    How do you give FCP X editors control over 3D camera transforms?

  • 11

    Where can shine be added?

  • 12

    Can you create a rectangular mask with the circle mask control?

  • 13

    Should you always publish every filter property?

  • 14

    Why should you save your own material presets?

  • 15

    If you start from a New Light Setup option, can you modify it?

  • 16

    Can you provide a custom environment image?

  • 17

    Which of these is NOT a type of bevel?

  • 18

    Which of these is NOT a type of "distress"?

  • 19

    Which substance type allows a custom material image to be added?

  • 20

    What are the key steps to exclude shadows from the background?

  • 21

    What's the most important reason to publish text 3D transform controls?

Motion 5.2
New Features Explored
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