Take a 12 question quiz to test and certify your knowledge of the tutorial-video course
Music Scoring 101 - Creating Moods and Styles.
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  • 1

    Which type of chord has a sense of drama to it?

  • 2

    Which rhythmic pattern is most effective in creating a military feel?

  • 3

    What orchestral group contains the richest and most powerful sounding instruments?

  • 4

    The goal of action music is:

  • 5

    Standard notation practice is to notate basses an octave lower than they sound. True or false?

  • 6

    What chord is most effective in creating mysterious mood?

  • 7

    The best way to underscore dialogue is to:

  • 8

    What chord is most effective in creating a passive sound?

  • 9

    What is the recommended order for ordering your instruments in your DAW?

  • 10

    What scale is most effective in creating magical moods?

  • 11

    What interval best expresses tension?

  • 12

    Which scale is best suited to creating, light playful moods?

Music Scoring 101
Creating Moods and Styles
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