Ed wrote on February 18, 2025
This is a great course. Perfect introduction for anyone looking to learn to play jazz.
Steve Kirk wrote on August 2, 2022
Perfect! Just what you need if you want to compose jazz and don't know where to start. Great work Greg.
rain wrote on June 7, 2017
super track on getting established in jazz theory excursuses art the end are great for practice
Jim C wrote on July 11, 2016
I feel like I learned more in Gregg's tutorial about jazz theory than in some of the semester-long college-level music courses that I'm taking. There was no "fluff", and the exercises at the end of the tutorial helped reinforce the concepts presented.
Vaan wrote on January 23, 2016
Very well done! The topics are really weel explained, with many examples and exercises. Every topic is very clear for the student and this course really helps a student to start his practice in jazz. Great Job!
Brock wrote on March 1, 2015
This Jazz Theory class provided me with the most practical music playing exercises over any of the available theory classes so far. This is a great tool to use not only for piano playing, but with a MIDI controller such as Ableton Push. The course is easy to follow and the concepts are worth your time.
Michael MacDonald wrote on February 26, 2015
This course was just what I needed to begin to understand the language of Jazz. I cannot wait to dive into the next couple of chapters! Thank you so much.
Carrion Fowl wrote on March 3, 2014
This is a great set of tutes that covers all the basic definitions, history & fundamentals of jazz in a practical & fun style. Nice simple approach to scales/chords/methods for improvising...now to practice!
Neil wrote on February 24, 2014
Great course for any music enthusiast!! Not only does it cover jazz theory, it also explains many different scales and musical patterns that can apply to any genre of music.
Soundsauce wrote on January 4, 2014
Excellent- well paced and building up of knowledge and skills. Good practice material and backing accompaniment track