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Music Theory 301 - Jordan Rudess: Harmony Explored.
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  • 1

    How can you find the relative minor of a major scale?

  • 2

    Which of the following is the 1st inversion of a C major chord?

  • 3

    Playing a C chord over an F note in the bass is a good example of an inversion. True or false?

  • 4

    The relative minor key of G major is E. True or false?

  • 5

    What is be the major scale associated to the D minor scale?

  • 6

    Which of the following is the 2nd inversion of a C major chord?

  • 7

    To change a major chord into a minor chord you need to:

  • 8

    In a Dominant 13 chord, the 13th is the same as the:

  • 9

    Before the harmony there was ___________.

  • 10

    What is this chord: F-Bb-C ?

  • 11

    What is this chord C-E-Bb-D#?

  • 12

    What interval do you get if you put a G note below C?

  • 13

    Which of the following is the 1st inversion of an F major chord?

  • 14

    What is this chord C-Bb-E-A?

  • 15

    The perfect fifth interval is a ________ interval.

  • 16

    What type of chord are you playing if you play an F chord over a D bass note?

  • 17

    What do you get if you invert a perfect 5th?

  • 18

    The A minor scale is the ______ of the C major scale.

  • 19

    What F major chord tone do you need to change to go smoothly to a D minor chord?

  • 20

    What interval do you get if you put a G note above C?

  • 21

    Which of the following interval is a perfect 4th?

  • 22

    Which chord of the natural minor scale is a bit more difficult to play over a pedal tone?

  • 23

    By inverting a suspended 4 chord you can get a suspended 2 chord. True or false?

Music Theory 301
Jordan Rudess: Harmony Explored
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