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Music Theory 105 - Basslines.
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  • 1

    What is the fifth of a C Dominant 7th chord?

  • 2

    A string played without pressing a fret down on the neck is called _____________.

  • 3

    The bass gives a sense of _____ to a musical performance.

  • 4

    What is the second most important note in bass line creation?

  • 5

    Which list best describes (in order) the 'evolution of bass'?

  • 6

    A bass player should play as many fills as possible to keep add flavor to the song. True or false?

  • 7

    The lines of the Bass Clef represents which notes (from bottom to top)?

  • 8

    The root note helps to define the harmony. True or false?

  • 9

    How do you call the basic foundational note of a chord?

  • 10

    The Treble Clef is also known as the _______.

  • 11

    A sharp symbol in front of a note tells us to ___________.

  • 12

    An eighth note is broken down into ___ sixteenth notes.

  • 13

    What are the notes for the four strings on a bass guitar and how do they correspond to the strings on a guitar?

  • 14

    The 3rd in the C Major, C Minor and C Dominant 7th chords is the same note. True or false?

  • 15

    The bass guitar sounds one octave lower than it's written on the staff. True or false?

  • 16

    The Bass Clef is also known as the _______.

  • 17

    What is a walking bassline?

  • 18

    Using a pick produces...

  • 19

    The Fender Jazz Bass produces more 'mid-range' tone than compared to the Fender Precision Bass.

Music Theory 105
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