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Native Instruments 208 - Maschine's Sampler Explored.
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  • 1

    Which type of envelope would you use if you want to make sure a sample is played in its entirety?

  • 2

    To loop a sample, you need to go into the ______ tab.

  • 3

    Which app is used in the tutorial to sample audio from other Applications?

  • 4

    Which of the following audio processing functions is not available in Sampling Mode?

  • 5

    Which audio format(s) are/is supported by Maschine?

  • 6

    When slicing a sample, pressing "Apply" will apply the slices to the group we are working on. True or false?

  • 7

    To layer samples on top of each other, you have to go into the _______ tab.

  • 8

    If Sync Mode is selected, Maschine will always start recording as soon as you press Play. True or False?

  • 9

    When Internal Source is selected in Sampling Mode, Maschine will always record the Master Output. True or false?

  • 10

    Editing Audio in Maschine is non-destructive. True or false?

Native Instruments 208
Maschine's Sampler Explored
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