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OS X Yosemite 101 - Mac Survival Skills.
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  • 1

    You can disable the special features printed on the F1–F12 keys at the top of the keyboard. True or false?

  • 2

    Regardless of the area, do you always get the same level of detail when using the Maps app?

  • 3

    What is the trackpad gesture to invoke the Notification Center?

  • 4

    How can you enter Mission Control?

  • 5

    You must interact with a Notification to dismiss it. True or false?

  • 6

    What is the Finder?

  • 7

    How you can tell which application is in the foreground?

  • 8

    Can you make folders to organize your apps in Launchpad?

  • 9

    Can you do basic image editing with Preview?

  • 10

    Keynote would be comparable to which MS Office application?

  • 11

    Can you add or remove apps form the Dock?

  • 12

    If you have the Dock at the bottom of the screen, on which side of the Dock can you put documents and folders?

  • 13

    How can you delete text to the right of the blinking cursor?

  • 14

    Under which menu will you find the System Preferences?

  • 15

    Can you use iCloud without an Apple ID?

  • 16

    Where can you find software updates?

  • 17

    What is an Operating System?

  • 18

    Which of the following display situations can be presented to an HDTV using AirPlay?

  • 19

    What customization can you do to the Today View in the Notification Center?

  • 20

    Which key combination would give you a copyright (©) sign?

  • 21

    What is the keyboard shortcut for Quick Look?

  • 22

    If you wanted to make a video trailer for your vacations, which application would you use?

  • 23

    What would the trainer like to encourage you to do?

  • 24

    You'll find the settings for the Trackpad In the System Preferences. True or false?

  • 25

    By default Spotlight sends your location to Apple. True or false?

OS X Yosemite 101
Mac Survival Skills
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