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Ozone 8 101 - Mastering Toolbox.
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  • 1

    In terms of buffer size, what does having a modern (fast) computer allow you to do?

  • 2

    Where in the signal flow does a 3rd-party plug-in get placed?

  • 3

    What is the bit depth of Audio-CDs?

  • 4

    Which three detection modes are offered in the Dynamics compressor?

  • 5

    What is the name of the frequency range in which the Spectral Shaper will process the audio?

  • 6

    Which audio file formats can mastered files be exported in?

  • 7

    For linear audio exports, where should you set the Maximizer Ceiling control?

  • 8

    What does the Auto Scale setting do?

  • 9

    What does the Gain Match setting do?

  • 10

    Which three modes are offered by the Vintage Compressor?

  • 11

    When using Insight in Ozone, where should it be placed in the signal flow?

  • 12

    Which button would you click to select the iZotope EQ or Equalizer you're editing?

  • 13

    In which direction does the audio signal flow through the modules?

  • 14

    You should never mix the modern and Vintage modules? (True/False)

  • 15

    What keyboard shortcut toggles between play and stop?

  • 16

    Which Vintage Limiter control is used to make the limiting more obvious?

  • 17

    When you save an Ozone Project, what does the Project file contain?

  • 18

    What setting allows you to view all four compressor/limiter settings simultaneously?

  • 19

    What is the name of the author of this course?

  • 20

    What does the Correlation Trace represent?

  • 21

    What is the appropriate method for using Ozone plug-ins in a DAW?

  • 22

    Where do you change the meter scale?

  • 23

    What does the Oversampling setting do to prevent aliasing?

  • 24

    Upon which classic equalizers are the Vintage EQ based?

  • 25

    What modifier keys (in conjunction with the mouse wheel) are used to magnify the waveform?

Ozone 8 101
Mastering Toolbox
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