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Pro Tools 104 - Mixing & Automation.
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  • 1

    What are the five basic Automation modes in Pro Tools?

  • 2

    What are the sections of a Channel Strip in Pro Tools?

  • 3

    Master bus processing...

  • 4

    Clip Gain differs from regular (track) Automation in that...

  • 5

    Setting level and pan is a mixing activity. True or false?

  • 6

    For mixing, the metering would normally be set to:

  • 7

    Within a Channel Strip, the actual order of signal flow is...

  • 8

    Name 2 ways to create Automation in Pro Tools.

  • 9

    Mixing in Pro Tools can include:

  • 10

    When a Mix Group is assigned to a VCA Fader...

  • 11

    How do you call an Expander that's used to remove low-level noise and leakage?

  • 12

    Staggering frequency ranges when EQing a mix means...

  • 13

    Delay-based effects like Flanging and Chorusing incorporate

  • 14

    Hard-panning a stereo track or a stereo-doubled track means

  • 15

    For more subtle, gradual overall compression, you might dial up...

  • 16

    When you use the Bounce-to-Disk command...

  • 17

    Mixing means...

  • 18

    The one hard-and-fast rule in modern mixing is...

  • 19

    ADT stands for

  • 20

    Which type of track incorporates both audio and MIDI data?

  • 21


  • 22

    The best way to approach a mix is to...

  • 23

    In an Automation display, the Trim tool...

  • 24

    Two types of reverb processors are:

  • 25

    Two types of bussing include:

Pro Tools 104
Mixing & Automation
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