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Pro Tools 104 - Mixing & Automation.
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Clip Gain differs from regular (track) Automation in that...
it affects the audio signal after the signal passes through the inserts
there is no difference
it can change the level of the audio at different points in the song/session
it affects the audio signal before the signal reaches the channel strip
Mix processing includes:
Recording and Automation
EQ, Dynamics, Elastic Audio, Auto-Punch
EQ, Dynamics, Delay, Reverb
EQ, Compression, Overdubbing, Comping
When you use the Bounce-to-Disk command...
you create a new stereo audiof ile of the full mix
it creates a great-sounding master automatically
you make a full backup of all the individual audio files in the session
you make a full backup of both the Session File and all the individual audiofiles in the session
Within a Channel Strip, the actual order of signal flow is...
Input, Inserts, Post-Fader Sends, Channel Fader, Pre-Fader Sends, Pan, Output
Input, Inserts, Pre-Fader Sends, Pan, Channel Fader, Post-Fader Sends, Output
Input, Inserts, Pre-Fader Sends, Pan, Channel Fader, Output
Input, Inserts, Pre-Fader Sends, Channel Fader, Post-Fader Sends, Pan, Output
The best way to approach a mix is to...
go back & forth between processing individual tracks and adjusting the full mix
do a full level & pan mix first; when that's final, then process the tracks individually
process individual channels first; when they're completely done, then blend them in the mix
Mixing means...
the same as recording
setting the levels & pans and applying processing to the individual tracks in a multitrack session
matching the overall tonal balance of all the songs included on an album
matching and balancing the overall level of all the songs included on an album
When a Mix Group is assigned to a VCA Fader...
you can't adjust the individual faders while the VCA link is active
you can adjust the individual faders even while the VCA link is active
Groups can't be assigned to VCA Faders
Master bus processing...
is always required for every mix, no exceptions
Is only used when mastering
is up to the mix engineer; some use it, some don't
must never be used at the mix stage, no exceptions
precede the channel fader, except in the Master Fader
follow the channel fader, except in the Master Fader
are only found on Instrument tracks
are only found in the Master Fader channel strip
Name 2 ways to create Automation in Pro Tools.
Write or Latch
Draw it in with the pencil or draw it in with the mouse
Record it in realtime by moving faders & controls or draw it in
Copy it or paste it in
Two types of reverb processors are:
spring and fall reverbs
wet reverbs and dry reverbs
automatic reverbs and manual reverbs
algorithmic reverbs and convolution reverbs
What are the five basic Automation modes in Pro Tools?
Read, Write, Latch, Trim, and Slice
Read, Write, Latch, Trim, and Save
Off, Read, Write, Touch, and Latch
Read, Write, Touch, Trim, and Fade
Delay-based effects like Flanging and Chorusing incorporate
a very low Threshold combined with a soft knee setting
delay times above 100 milliseconds, for clarity
periodic LFO modulation to impart movement to the effect
Two types of bussing include:
Master Stereo Bus and Elastic Audio
Subgroups and Send & Return
Instrument and Audio tracks
Automation and Clip Gain
ADT stands for
Automatic Delay Transformer, which is used to modulate the delay time
Active Digital Transfer, which is used to render a second musical part
Artificial Double-Tracking, which is the technical name for electronic doubling
Automated Dual-Taping, which is an emulation of an old analog mixing trick
For mixing, the metering would normally be set to:
post-fader metering
pre-fader metering
Mixing in Pro Tools can include:
recording, editing, and mastering
tracking, overdubbing, and comping
composing, recording and mastering
level balance, panning, processing, and automation
Which type of track incorporates both audio and MIDI data?
MIDI track
Instrument track
Audio track
How do you call an Expander that's used to remove low-level noise and leakage?
a compressor
a Limiter
a Strip Silencer
a Noise Gate
The one hard-and-fast rule in modern mixing is...
there are no hard-and-fast rules in mixing
the vocal must always be at least 3 dB louder than any other track in the mix
the snare drum must always be the loudest element in the mix
the kick drum must always be the loudest element in the mix
In an Automation display, the Trim tool...
can correct for a poorly chosen Automation level by using A.I.
can create Automation level automatically by using A.I.
does nothing-it does not function in an Automation display
can drag a selected section of automation data up or down
Staggering frequency ranges when EQing a mix means...
boosting several tracks at the same (or a similar) frequency for tonal power
mixing while slightly drunk, to get a better sense of the overall tonal balance
boosting one track and cutting another at the same (or a similar) frequency for tonal clarity
Hard-panning a stereo track or a stereo-doubled track means
panning both the left & right sides to the center, creating a hard mono signal
using M/S processing
panning the left & right sides only part of the way left & right
panning the left & right sides all the way left & right
What are the sections of a Channel Strip in Pro Tools?
Inserts, Sends, Elastic Audio, Channel Fader
Inserts, Sends, Audio, Video, Channel Fader
Inserts only
Inserts, Sends, I/O, Pan, Channel Fader
For more subtle, gradual overall compression, you might dial up...
a very high Threshold and Ratio, always combined with a hard-Knee setting
a lower Threshold and Ratio, possibly combined with a soft-Knee setting
a saturator
a Brickwall Limiter
Pro Tools 104
Mixing & Automation
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