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Reaper 6 301 - Producing Electronic Music with REAPER.
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  • 1

    Which one of the below is a third-party script in REAPER?

  • 2

    How do you quickly create a track with a particular effect or instrument on it?

  • 3

    Name the type of synthesis that Rrreeeaaa is based on.

  • 4

    Which record mode can you use for resampling from one track to another for quick one-shot samples?

  • 5

    How do you audition sounds in the Megababy Sequencer?

  • 6

    How do you input a MIDI note by default?

  • 7

    If you want to insert a sample as a new take, which option would you select?

  • 8

    Are take envelopes shortcut assignable?

  • 9

    How many channels does each track come with in REAPER?

  • 10

    What four options are there on take envelopes?

  • 11

    Can two instruments be stored on one track in REAPER?

  • 12

    What is the default shortcut to bring up the actions window?

  • 13

    Where do you create the shortcuts for FX actions?

  • 14

    What default key command opens the in-line editor?

  • 15

    What do regions in REAPER do?

  • 16

    What is the default action for re-playing a sample?

  • 17

    What is the default shortcut for creating a razor edit?

  • 18

    What other part of REAPER can you combine with advanced routing to create interesting modulations?

  • 19

    Name one feature of parameter modulation.

  • 20

    How do you open up the MIDI window in REAPER?

  • 21

    What is one of the default ways of creating a folder in REAPER?

  • 22

    How many track types are there in REAPER?

  • 23

    Name an example of what parameters you can adjust with your mousewheel.

  • 24

    How many virtual instruments does REAPER come with?

  • 25

    Which one of the below is a third-party script in REAPER?

Reaper 6 301
Producing Electronic Music with REAPER
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