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Reason 10 100 - What's New in Reason 10.
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  • 1

    What are grains in the context of the Grain reason device?

  • 2

    How does Pangea generate sounds?

  • 3

    How many oscillators does Europa have?

  • 4

    What kinds of pianos does Radical Piano feature?

  • 5

    Which external signals are available in the mod mixer?

  • 6

    Are the envelopes polyrhythmic in Synchronous?

  • 7

    How many channels does Europa's onboard mixer have?

  • 8

    How many envelopes does Synchronous have?

  • 9

    How many patches can Klang play at once

  • 10

    How do you alter the selected waveform length in Grain?

  • 11

    What modules are the new libraries focused on?

  • 12

    How would you soften a sharp sound?

  • 13

    What is resonance a representation of in Radical Piano?

  • 14

    Can you use your own samples in Grain?

  • 15

    Which of these is a female voice?

Reason 10 100
What's New in Reason 10
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