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Reason FastTrack 201 - Tuning Vocals With Pitch Edit.
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  • 1

    Why would you want to edit pitch?

  • 2

    Do formants affect timing?

  • 3

    Can you work with stems for Audio Pitch editing?

  • 4

    Where does Reason send extracted MIDI?

  • 5

    Does the Pitch Editor work with polyphonic sounds?

  • 6

    What form does the pitch editor take?

  • 7

    How many harmonies can you create with the Pitch Editor?

  • 8

    It is possible to change the volume of each note in the Pitch Editor. True or false?

  • 9

    What audio tracks does pitch correct work best on?

  • 10

    How does Reason display notes in the Pitch Editor?

  • 11

    What is another name for vibrato?

  • 12

    How can you change the key of a vocal line?

  • 13

    Does Snap setting affect the tempo quantizing?

  • 14

    What tool splits notes?

Reason FastTrack 201
Tuning Vocals With Pitch Edit
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