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Reason 8 302 - Mastering Lab.
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  • 1

    How can you apply parallel processing when using the MClass compressor device?

  • 2

    What's an important difference between the MClass Compressor and the Master Buss Compressor?

  • 3

    The M-Class Maximizer is in fact a:

  • 4

    Which of the following statement is incorrect?

  • 5

    When mastering, you can use reverb to enhance the stereo image of sections that are too mono. True or false?

  • 6

    When should you use dithering?

  • 7

    What is the most important control on the MClass Maximizer?

  • 8

    One of the drawback of using Reason for mastering is that you have to stick with the stock effects. True or false?

  • 9

    When mastering, what is the very last unit that should be used?

  • 10

    How many bands are available in a single Stereo Imager device?

  • 11

    What is the first step towards getting a good Mastering workflow?

  • 12

    To avoid over-compressing audio, you should only one compressor when mastering a project. True or false?

  • 13

    One of the good thing of using parallel compression is that you can keep the original dynamics and mix the processed signal to taste. True or False?

  • 14

    How can you widen or narrow the Q in the Spectrum EQ window?

  • 15

    What happens if you choose File > Import Audio Files in Reason 8?

  • 16

    Limiting should be one of the first thing you do when mastering. True or false?

  • 17

    Where should you insert the EQ when mastering?

  • 18

    What is the Bus compressor of choice used by Mo Volan?

  • 19

    There's a device in the rack for every audio channel. True or false?

Reason 8 302
Mastering Lab
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