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Reason 8 304 - Sampling Explored.
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  • 1

    What is the purpose of using the Solo Sample button? 

  • 2

    If the root key is not set correctly, what would the result be?

  • 3

    What does the "High Key" knob do in the NN-19?

  • 4

    If you set up a sampler that had 2 velocity zones, one mapped to 0 - 59, and the second to 61 - 127, what would happen when someone played a note with a velocity of 60?

  • 5

    How many possible patterns can we have loaded into Redrum's Step Sequencer at once? 

  • 6

    Which of the following is NOT one of the four main elements to a sampler? 

  • 7

    The majority of the controls in the NN-XT affect samples individually. True or false?

  • 8

    In this course the following devices are used: Reason's NN-19, NN-XT, Redrum, and...

  • 9

    What do S1 and S2 on the Redrum interface do?

  • 10

    A Low Pass filter ________?

  • 11

    What is the menu item for moving the pattern down to the main sequencer window? 

  • 12

    How many cents are in a semi-tone?

  • 13

    When 2 key zones overlap the same horizontal area in the NN-XT, we hear: 

  • 14

    The Kong Drum Designer has 5 sections in the "drum and FX" settings. Which of these is not one of them? 

  • 15

    When setting a Velocity Zone, which set of velocity values is most likely to be the loudest zone? 

  • 16

    The Redrum does not have any pitch control knob. True or false?

  • 17

    When comparing Sampling to synthesis, the sample acts like the ______ in synthesis.

Reason 8 304
Sampling Explored
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