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Reason 8 101 - Quick Start Guide.
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  • 1

    What do you need to do to quantize a sequencer lane with the ReGroove mixer?

  • 2

    You can think of midi as a set of information to control a software. True or false?

  • 3

    To correct timing without loosing the human feel, you better use a quantize value _______________.

  • 4

    The quantize options are available in the ________.

  • 5

    In the mixer, how can you route multiple channels to a bus?

  • 6

    How many oscillators are available in the Malström synth?

  • 7

    How can you copy MIDI data from one track to another?

  • 8

    How can you change the volume of a clip independently of the mixer?

  • 9

    To minimize all the modules (instruments/effects) at once you hit...

  • 10

    You can select multiple notes by holding __________.

  • 11

    How can you reset a Device to its default settings?

  • 12

    What is the shortcut to quantize?

  • 13

    Note lanes are separate lanes in the sequencer that trigger the same device. True or false?

  • 14

    What is the maximum number of effects you can load in Reason?

  • 15

    What is the key command to spin the rack around?

  • 16

    How can you take a project to a studio that doesn't have Reason?

  • 17

    What is the key command to Quantize notes?

  • 18

    LFO stands for __________.

  • 19

    Which statement is incorrect?

  • 20

    If you record a sample using the ReDrum device, you can edit the sample in the Edit window True or false?

  • 21

    How can you quantize notes without losing the human feel?

  • 22

    ______ are the basis of synthesized sound.

  • 23

    Most modern computers will run more Reason devices than you could ever need. True or false?

  • 24

    In Reason, it is possible to quantize both MIDI and audio. True or false?

  • 25

    How many oscillators are available in the Thor synthesizer?

Reason 8 101
Quick Start Guide
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