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Reason 101 - Reason Explained and Explored.
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  • 1

    What is the shortcut to quantize notes in Reason?

  • 2

    LFO stands for:

  • 3

    Which export option in Reason allows you to have better control over the boundaries of the exported audio?

  • 4

    Which buffer size is best for recording, because it reduces latency?

  • 5

    The Reason Rack plugin currently supports the following formats in version 11:

  • 6

    Which MIDI Player in Reason allows you to create harmony from single note entry?

  • 7

    What is the shortcut to pull up the Razor tool in Reason?

  • 8

    What is the shortcut to record in Reason?

  • 9

    What is the shortcut to mute clips or notes in Reason?

  • 10

    Which shortcut toggles the mixer in Reason?

  • 11

    Control voltage sources do not generate any audio on their own, but can be used to control the gate, rhythm, velocity, pitch or other parameters of instruments.

  • 12

    What is the shortcut to flip the rack in Reason?

  • 13

    Which function in Reason allows you to quantize MIDI notes on input?

  • 14

    What is the shortcut to pull up the Selection tool in Reason?

  • 15

    When you create an Effects device, Reason automatically creates a channel in the mixer.

  • 16

    Which modifier key would you hold to turn the audio trim function into the time stretch function?

  • 17

    Audio track devices have integrated all EXCEPT:

  • 18

    When dragging and audio loop from the browser, Reason automatically creates a/an:

  • 19

    Reason instruments, loops, and other devices can be used in other DAWs.

  • 20

    Which device would be used to route multiple drum machine outputs to the mixer?

  • 21

    Effects sends allow you to save on processing power because you can use less time-based effects in your mix for multiple tracks.

Reason 101
Reason Explained and Explored
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