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Reason Rack Extensions 103 - Outboard Rig - Explored.
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  • 1

    On the Selig Leveller, which control will let you apply parallel compression easily?

  • 2

    What kind of processor is Selig's Leveller?

  • 3

    What's the G8 Gate useful for?

  • 4

    The Selig Gain device can be used to reduce the stereo image. True or false?

  • 5

    Which of the following device is intended to be inserted on your entire master output?

  • 6

    The Dynamite compressor is a very _______ compressor.

  • 7

    On the G8 Gate device, what's the Flip switch made for?

  • 8

    Apart from reducing sibilance, what's another good use of Selig's De-Esser?

  • 9

    On the DCAM ChanComp, how can you emulate the "all buttons" ratio-mode?

  • 10

    The Black Knight is a _______

Reason Rack Extensions 103
Outboard Rig - Explored
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