Reason 3.0 is a virtual studio rack with all the tools and instruments you need to turn your ideas into music. Morg will show you Reason as you've never seen it before.
Morgan Pottruff aka Morgan David is a veteran electronic artist from Toronto Canada. In addition to his solo work, he also performs internationally as keyboardist/laptop wiz for Canadian violin prodigy Dr. Draw. His tech background is very extensive and has worked as a clinician and product specialist for the last 5 years.
Over 4 hours of instruction on Propellerhead's Reason by Morgan Pottruff, aka Morg (author of the Live Course). This course is packed with detail not seen before. If you thought you knew Reason then think again - Morg shows you Reason in some incredible ways through the extra 'Tips and Tricks' sections that really show off the power under the hood.