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(The) Art of Audio Recording 102 - Recording Drums.
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  • 1

    A basic Decca Tree uses how many microphones?

  • 2

    In the course, which microphone model is used to record the toms?

  • 3

    Placing a tom on the drum stool while you tune is helpful because _______________.

  • 4

    When recording kick drum, what position is best for acquiring the brightest sound?

  • 5

    Which drums do you tighten right before it starts to resist?

  • 6

    In the course, which microphone model is used to record the snare drum?

  • 7

    In the course, which microphone model is used to record the hi hats and ride?

  • 8

    Which drums should be tuned before a recording session?

  • 9

    By placing the kick drum microphone further into the kick drum, the sound will become ________.

  • 10

    Which type of percussion instrument was NOT featured in this lesson?

  • 11

    In the course, which microphone model is used to record the kick drum?

  • 12

    In the course, which microphone model is recommended for recording tambourine, shakers and bongos?

  • 13

    Which drum do you tighten loosely?

  • 14

    A subkick creates a sound an octave below the normal kick sound. True or false?

(The) Art of Audio Recording 102
Recording Drums
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