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Revoice 101 - Revoice Pro: Revealed.
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  • 1

    The APT Process Control Panel has only three settings: tight, medium, and loose timing. True or false?

  • 2

    Revoice Pro's Doubler Process...

  • 3

    Multiple Processes for the same Guide track...

  • 4

    What are the keyboard shortcuts for soloing tracks in Revoice Pro?

  • 5

    What happens when a Guide track is Warp-edited?

  • 6

    What can you do with Revoice's Warp editing?

  • 7

    The APT Process Control Panel has options for time transfer, but not for pitch transfer. True or false?

  • 8

    The APT (Automatic Performance Transfer) Process can match a Dub track to a Guide track in time, pitch and level. True or false?

  • 9

    What Revoice Pro features are not available in VocALign?

  • 10

    What are the three Processes available in Revoice Pro?

  • 11

    Revoice's Doubler Process Control Panel includes controls for random modulation, for a more natural, human doubling quality. True or false?

  • 12

    What are the main components of a track lane in Revoice Pro?

  • 13

    To align audio, the VocAlign plug-in...

  • 14

    The Revoice Link AudioSuite plug-in allows for two-way transfer of audio: both PT->Revoice and Revoice->PT . True or false?

  • 15

    When a Dub line is not a close-enough match for the Guide recording...

  • 16

    Revoice Pro's Doubler Process is a simple preset-only feature. True or false?

  • 17

    Why is the APT Process often most useful in Post Production?

  • 18

    The APT Process Control Panel has controls for Tolerance & Flexibilty, to balance between tight timing and artifact-free audio. True or false?

  • 19

    The Quick APT & Quick Doubler plug-ins let you process audio directly in the DAW, as long as Revoice is open in the background. True or false?

  • 20

    How can you transfer aligned, rendered audio from Revoice back to DAWs (other than Pro Tools)?

  • 21

    Aligning the timing of one take to the timing of another take of the same line...

  • 22

    Which of the following statement is correct?

Revoice 101
Revoice Pro: Revealed
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