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Ableton Live 12 301 - Roar and Meld Explored.
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  • 1

    What does SVF stand for?

  • 2

    In Roar, Mid-Side processing will stereoize the signal irrespective of if the audio is mono or stereo. True or false?

  • 3

    How many LFOs are available for modulation in Roar?

  • 4

    What kind of a filter is being used in the Feedback module in Roar?

  • 5

    What is the maximum number of shaping stages you can get in Roar?

  • 6

    In Meld, which control can do pulse width modulation on a square waveform?

  • 7

    In Meld, to enable MPE support for an MPE capable controller what needs to be checked in the MIDI preferences?

  • 8

    There is a Phaser option in the Filters section in Meld. True or false?

  • 9

    In Meld, what is the maximum rate for LFO 1?

  • 10

    In Roar, what kind of an EQ is the tone knob?

  • 11

    In Meld, how many FX can you apply to each LFO to further shape it?

  • 12

    In Meld, how many envelopes are available in each engine that can be assigned in the matrix?

  • 13

    How many Engines are in Meld?

  • 14

    In Roar, the SC HPF is useful to reduce the amount of gain reduction on low frequency signals. True or false?

  • 15

    Does Meld have a White Noise generator option in one of the Engines?

  • 16

    Which aspects of Meld can be Scale Aware?

  • 17

    In Meld, the Link button links the two envelopes in engine A with engine B. True or false?

  • 18

    In Roar, Bias will offset the waveform by shifting it more to the positive or negative phase. True or false?

  • 19

    Which device is a distortion effect?

  • 20

    In the 'Chip' Engine in Meld, what is the base oscillator shape?

  • 21

    In Meld, LFO 2 doesn't have the option to be further shaped with FX. True or false?

  • 22

    What's the maximum number of voice stacking you can get in Meld?

Ableton Live 12 301
Roar and Meld Explored
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