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Roland PLUG-OUTS 101 - Roland PLUG-OUTS Revealed.
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  • 1

    Tempo Sync will sync Delay Time & LFO rate to the DAW tempo. True or false?

  • 2

    On the System 100, Key Assign set to 2 will give a last note priority. True or false?

  • 3

    Did the Roland SH-101 have MIDI support?

  • 4

    Which hardware synth was released first: SH-101 or SH-2?

  • 5

    On the System 100, when Signal Flow is ON, the orange arrows show the normalled signal routing. True or false?

  • 6

    On the System 100, which waveform is NOT a VCO wave shape?

  • 7

    The LFO can be used to trigger the Amp. True or false?

  • 8

    Which 3 effects are available on the SH-101 plug-out?

  • 9

    How many software synths are covered in this course?

  • 10

    How many VCOs are there on the SH-2?

  • 11

    The Roland SH-101 was unleashed in ....?

  • 12

    The System 100 consisted of how many unique modules?

  • 13

    On the SH-2, it's possible to have negative Auto Bend. True or false?

  • 14

    The SH-2 was released before the SH-101: True or False?

  • 15

    How can you get last note priority on the SH-101?

  • 16

    The SH-101 came in .... different colours?

  • 17

    Positive Auto Bend amount will accentuate the attack of the sound. True or false?

  • 18

    The SH-101 is a single VCO synth. True or false?

  • 19

    Which parameter CANNOT be modulated by the LFO?

  • 20

    You cannot use the 'Plug Outs' without a System 1: True or False?

  • 21

    On the System 100, the Noise generator has Pink and White noise options. True or false?

  • 22

    The SH-101 plug-out doesn't have a sub oscillator. True or false?

  • 23

    The SH-2 has ... VCOs?

  • 24

    On the SH-2, the Crusher effect is in:

  • 25

    What were the other two synths that was released by Roland in the same year as the PROMARS?

Roland PLUG-OUTS 101
Roland PLUG-OUTS Revealed
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