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Roli Blocks 101 - Making Music with Blocks.
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  • 1

    Which Block has a display which morphs to match its use?

  • 2

    Which Block can most easily interface and change effect parameters?

  • 3

    What app can be used to pre-configure your lightpad Block to work best with Ableton Live?

  • 4

    What element must be turned on in GarageBand for iOS in order to communicate with all elements of Blocks?

  • 5

    To shift octave using the live Block, press...

  • 6

    When overdubbing a loop, by default the new notes you play.

  • 7

    Which button plays a short sample of the sound showing off the touch capabilities?

  • 8

    Which Blocks connection is made by physically connecting them?

  • 9

    AU plugins can be hosted inside of a program like MainStage or a DAW.

  • 10

    Exporting to noise.fm will keep your tracks separated so that other musicians can utilize them for remixing and editing.

  • 11

    Which dimension of touch is activated when you remove your finger from the Blocks device?

  • 12

    When you move a loop from one vertical column to another...

  • 13

    The loop Block contains transport controls.

  • 14

    Equator runs on both desktop and mobile platforms.

  • 15

    What controls are the fundamental buttons missing from the Seaboard Block compared to the Rise?

  • 16

    Which direction in the sequencing grid maintains the same instrument for each loop?

  • 17

    Instrument scales can be cycled in the noise app and...

  • 18

    The Noise app is a sequencer for Blocks but does not contain any actual sounds.

  • 19

    When you want to adjust a range at which a touch dimension alters a synth parameter, what must you do first?

  • 20

    Which Block can modify its interface to add Rise functionality to the Seaboard Block?

  • 21

    The Seaboard Rise must be connected via USB to a computer/mobile device to play back sound.

  • 22

    The arpeggiator is locked to the project file's tempo.

  • 23

    Blocks dashboard allows you to set up the Lightpad Block with presets to work better with various DAW programs.

  • 24

    The learn button plays back...

Roli Blocks 101
Making Music with Blocks
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