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SongCraft Presents 104 - Songwriting with Turin Brakes.
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  • 1

    What is a "null point"?

  • 2

    In Logic, if the send is pre-fader, the send slot will be at the left of the send knob. True or false?

  • 3

    How was the drum parts recorded?

  • 4

    Which Pro Tools command is used before importing the audio into Logic Pro X?

  • 5

    Off-axis rejection is the term used to describe two microphones that are out of phase. True or false?

  • 6

    If you want to get a darker tone when miking a guitar amp, where should you position the microphone?

  • 7

    What is special about Logic's Match EQ?

  • 8

    The Bass Amp Designer plug-in features a Direct Box slider. True or false?

  • 9

    How can you take a snapshot of your whole screen on a Mac?

  • 10

    In the tutorial, what is the recommended ceiling setting on the limiter when mastering?

SongCraft Presents 104
Songwriting with Turin Brakes
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