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Studio One 102 - Audio Explained and Explored.
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  • 1

    What Split Mode do I use to create a Multiband Extended FX?

  • 2

    How is Melodyne Integrated into Studio One?

  • 3

    What do you call the insert that is after the fader on the main/master output?

  • 4

    What does the splitter do?

  • 5

    Where can you find the tag-based searching function?

  • 6

    What is the shortcut to enable the Punch-In Recording?

  • 7

    What does the blue dot on the track indicate?

  • 8

    Where do you find the Record to Layers option?

  • 9

    What does VCA stand for?

  • 10

    What is the color of a bus channel?

  • 11

    When you open the ScratchPad where does it sit?

  • 12

    Where would you insert a limiter?

  • 13

    What key do you use to bypass the grouping?

  • 14

    What shortcut key do you use to jump to a transient?

  • 15

    What is the shortcut to create a marker by bringing up the edit Marker dialog window?

  • 16

    When multitrack recording, what do you need to make sure you do?

  • 17

    What is the track called where you can see your Arranger sections?

  • 18

    Can you rename your Scratch Pads?

  • 19

    What is the shortcut to duplicate an Arranger Section?

  • 20

    What is the keyboard shortcut for the smart zoom?

  • 21

    If you choose a send channel routed to a bus channel what extra option do you have?

  • 22

    What states does a button have?

  • 23

    What option do you choose to render the effects to an audio file?

  • 24

    What is the shortcut to quantize and audio event?

  • 25

    You can send a Pack Folder to a....

Studio One 102
Audio Explained and Explored
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