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Bitwig Studio 403 - Track Deconstruction: The Big Round Table.
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  • 1

    Why were all of the songs imported into a single project?

  • 2

    True or False: The SP404mk2 can record audio via USB-C

  • 3

    What was used to route audio from a browser to Bitwig?

  • 4

    True or False: This project was made using all software

  • 5

    Where in Bitwig can enable MIDI sync with connected hardware?

  • 6

    What does downward expansion do?

  • 7

    Why do 2 one-bar loops make an 8 bar phrase in this song?

  • 8

    What mic was used to record the beatbox?

  • 9

    What is essential if we want the delay from external hardware to sync with our software?

  • 10

    Can Bitwig record audio from the SP404mk2 via USB?

  • 11

    Why is stereo imaging important?

  • 12

    This project was made in how many days?

  • 13

    True or False: None of the drum sounds are using audio effects

  • 14

    Which microphone was used to record the vocals?

  • 15

    True or False: This song started with just the vocals and a sample.

Bitwig Studio 403
Track Deconstruction: The Big Round Table
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