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Affinity Photo 101 - The Beginner's Guide.
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  • 1

    What stacking mode removes changeable areas?

  • 2

    Do filter layers always adjust everything below them, or can they adjust a single layer?

  • 3

    How do you control the visibility of a layer?

  • 4

    What's the extension used for native Affinity Photo files?

  • 5

    Which key do you use to resample the clone source?

  • 6

    What format includes transparency and is widely readable on the web?

  • 7

    To even out lighting, you apply a blur to parts of which Frequency Separation layer?

  • 8

    How do you change settings on a layer effect?

  • 9

    Can Affinity Photo show separate windows rather than everything together?

  • 10

    Where do you find additional floating panels?

  • 11

    Can you have multiple light sources in the Lighting filter?

  • 12

    When painting a mask, what color lets you non-destructively erase?

  • 13

    Which tool lets you paint with a brush to select an area?

  • 14

    Which of these is NOT a brush property?

  • 15

    What adjustment brush should you use to re-evaluate the selected area in Refine Edges?

  • 16

    What's the name of the bonus shape tool?

  • 17

    What's a good way to describe the workflow Affinity Photo encourages?

  • 18

    What liquify tool locks an area so it can't be pushed around?

  • 19

    Why should you shoot raw?

  • 20

    Is an adjustment layer destructive or non-destructive?

Affinity Photo 101
The Beginner's Guide
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