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Groove Guru 101 - Understanding Rhythm.
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  • 1

    Why is a week 7 days long?

  • 2

    What do a 16th note and a centimeter have in common?

  • 3

    What do you get if you divide a whole note into 6?

  • 4

    What do you get if you divide a half note into 8?

  • 5

    Which statement is correct:

  • 6

    Which subdivision is associated with the words: swing, shuffle?

  • 7

    What are the strongest beats in Reggea?

  • 8

    Are 3/4 and 6/8 the same?

  • 9

    What bar takes more time to complete, 5/4 or 5/8?

  • 10

    When playing in 7, it's up to the musicians discretion to decide how.

  • 11

    What does BPM stand for?

  • 12

    What's the difference between Tala and Time signature?

  • 13

    Is 3/4 faster than 4/4?

  • 14

    Is learning western notation a must?

  • 15

    What instrument dictates the time signature?

  • 16

    If I count out a song, and the number I get to is 5. Is it 5/8 or 5/4?

  • 17

    Is sharing your rhythmic intent important when writing a song?

Groove Guru 101
Understanding Rhythm
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