When it comes to pitch manipulation and time correction, Celemony's Melodyne 5 is so good it's magical. Watch this course now, and get ready to master Melodyne's powerful features with trainer and audio engineer Joshua Carney.
Vocal tuning is an important skill every engineer should master. Get the pitch correction knowledge you need in this course by trainer and engineer Joshua Carney, and take your vocal productions from good to perfect!
The Minimoog Model D is back and we've created this course to show you what's new, what's the same and how this updated version of this classic, 70s synth works! So learn everything about the Minimoog with Rishabh Rajan.
With so many new features, Cubase 8 is perhaps THE most complete DAW on the planet. See what all the buzz is about in this deep, 37-tutorial course by Cubase wizard Matt Hepworth.
Watch as lead macProVideo.com trainer Bill Burgess shows you Live 8. Training with style & character, delivered the Bill B. way. This is a massive 7 hours of Ableton Live training at an amazing price!