If a picture's worth a thousand words, then an effective PowerPoint presentation must be worth a million! Learn how to produce impressive PowerPoint presentations in this introductory 32-tutorial course!
Moving to a new OS is kind of like moving into a new house: All your "stuff" is the same, but all the rooms look a whole lot different. This course shows you around Apple's new OSX Mavericks and how to keep your Macs up-to-date and "moving" in the right direction!
Microsoft Excel is second only to Microsoft Word as the oldest and most powerful pieces of industry standard software from Microsoft for the Macintosh operating system. Let long-time user and veteran instructor Tamás Revoczi teach you how to create basic worksheets in Microsoft Excel 2011...
Digital publication is an exciting new medium that opens up lots of creative doors and opportunities! Join Michele Hjörleifsson and learn how iBooks Author can help you create stunning original content to be shared all around the world...
If you use MIDI and always wondered how - and why - it works, MIDI 101 is for you! Informative and entertaining, "MIDI Demystified" is a required tutorial for anyone looking to get the most out of their MIDI hardware and software.