Geoff Blake, with his casual and off-beat style, is an expert educator in all graphics and web technologies ... not to mention one of macProVideo's most entertaining trainers!
Geoff Blake
Geoff Blake is a book author, video presenter, designer, and visual artist. As an in demand live-on-stage software educator since 1997, Geoff has taught desktop publishing, web design and graphics courses all over North America and is regarded as an expert in Adobe’s Creative Suite applications, as well as in HTML, CSS, WordPress, and related technologies.

With his humorous, non-jargonny approach, Geoff produces highly regarded articles, video training and DVDs, and regularly contributes to top industry magazines and websites.

You can find out more about Geoff and his endeavors at his website: Ten Ton Books
Courses by Geoff Blake
  • InDesign CS5 101
    Core InDesign CS5 101
    InDesign is the worldwide, de facto desktop publishing application. Learn the basics of InDesign in this tutorial and start publishing today!
  • Web Design 205
    Designing CSS Floating Layouts
    Learn to build CSS floating layouts with Star Trainer, Geoff Blake.
  • Web Design 202
    Deeper Into WordPress
    If you enjoyed WordPress Basics, then strap yourself in for Deeper Into WordPress! Join award-winning trainer Geoff Blake as he takes you through the ins and outs of creating full-featured WordPress-driven blogs and websites!
  • Dreamweaver CS5 101
    Core Dreamweaver CS5
    7-Hours of Dreamweaver Tutorials. Design and build complex web sites with confidence and style...let Dreamweaver Master Geoff Blake show you how!
  • Web Design 201
    Deeper Into XHTML
    Now that you've got the Basics of XHTML down, it's time to get way deeper. Web design guru Geoff Blake is back to take you Deeper Into XHTML!
  • Web Design 102
    WordPress Basics
    Wordpress is "the" software for creating blog sites. Join expert trainer, Geoff Blake as he takes you through all the ins and outs of creating a "feature rich" Wordpress based website!
  • Web Design 101
    XHTML Basics
    Do you want your web creations to work in all platforms from desktop to handheld? Then take a step toward the future and learn to program in XHTML with web design guru, Geoff Blake!
  • Flash CS5 101
    Core Flash CS5
    Learn Flash CS5 the right way (and the fun way) with the entertaining and knowledgable Flash expert, Geoff Blake.
  • Dreamweaver CS5 201
    Exploring CSS
    Learn the power of Cascading Style Sheets in this powerful Dreamweaver tutorial by our webmaster wizard Geoff Blake.
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