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Pro Tools

How To Record And Edit Dialog For TV In Pro Tools

ADR is one of the film and TV industry's most essential tools. Here's how it works in Pro Tools, with some of the key terminology demystified!

One of the most interesting secrets behind the TV and movie production process is ADR, or Automated Dialog Replacement. This is where actors re-record their lines in the isolation of a studio while watching their original performance, to get a perfect take instead of using the location sound which can have all kinds of interference. In this short video, Roy Vargas shows you exactly how this process works in Pro Tools. 

You'll learn the secrets behind great ADR including studio terminology like Pops and Streamers, and how actors know when to deliver their lines. You will also see how recording and sync work in Pro Tools - then check out the other videos in this course for a comprehensive walkthrough on every important aspect of producing great dialog in Pro Tools!

Watch the full course Pro Tools 302: Dialog Editing For Folm & TV in the Ask.Audio Academy | macProVideo | AskVideo.

Pro Tools 302: Dialog Editing For Film & TV

Editing dialog to picture is complex. There’s a lot of interactivity, when audio and video sync in post-production, that makes it essential for you to master all the concepts and tools. That’s why we called upon experienced Pro Tools expert Roy Vargas to break down the process and show you everything you need to know as a professional dialog editor.

The course starts with a collection of tutorials that breakdown the anatomy of a post-production session. Roy explains the various kinds of sessions, tracks, file formats and organizational hierarchies that Pro Tools operators must know. Next, he shows you, from experience and by example, how a Pro Tools operator constructs and sets up a dialog-to-picture editing session. Then Roy dives into timecode, reference tones, sync pops, reel splitting and much more to assure that your session is built on solid ground.

From there you explore the tools and techniques he uses to edit, crossfade, clean, sync, time-stretch and fix any kind of audio situation you might come across in post-production. By the time you finish this 48-tutorial course, you will "own" all the tools, techniques and, most importantly, the confidence to run your own Pro Tools post-production dialog editing sessions!

This course was produced in a previous version of Pro Tools. All of the content is relevant for the current version.

Watch the full course Pro Tools 302: Dialog Editing For Folm & TV in the Ask.Audio Academy | macProVideo | AskVideo.
author profile
Hollin Jones
Hollin Jones was classically trained as a piano player but found the lure of blues and jazz too much to resist. Graduating from bands to composition then production, he relishes the chance to play anything with keys. A sometime lecturer in videographics, music production and photography post production, Hollin has been a freelance writer on music technology and Apple topics for well over a decade, along the way publishing several books on audio software. He has been lead writer at a number of prominent music and technology publications. As well as consultancy, full-time journalism, video production and professional photography, he occasionally plays Hammond, Rhodes and other keys for people who ask nicely. Hollin is Contributing Editor at Ask.Audio.
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