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Ableton Live 403 - Follow Actions Explored.
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  • 1

    How many possible Follow Actions can a single clip have?

  • 2

    What does it mean when the follow action length is "linked"?

  • 3

    Can Follow Actions for Scenes and Clips be used at the same time?

  • 4

    True or False: Clips that have legato mode enabled may not start at the beginning of the clip.

  • 5

    True or False: If we create one Take lane, that Take lane will be recorded over every time our recording loops.

  • 6

    Is it possible to have a Scene jump to a specific Scene after a certain amount of time?

  • 7

    What is the difference between choosing ANY and OTHER?

  • 8

    True or False: Follow Action only works for audio clips

  • 9

    If Follow Action is set to NEXT, the clips have to be...

  • 10

    Is it possible to resample audio from a track doing follow actions?

  • 11

    Consolidating clips does what exactly?

  • 12

    Follow Action parameters for Scenes can be found where?

Ableton Live 403
Follow Actions Explored
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