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Ableton Live FastTrack 206 - Live's Creative FX.
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  • 1

    Overdrive can make a signal...

  • 2

    Vinyl Distortion can only be used to emulate the sound of dirty vinyl records. True or false?

  • 3

    Dynamic Tube features how many tube models?

  • 4

    Vocoders were first used in the 1940s.

  • 5

    Beat Repeat is a drummer plugin

  • 6

    Erosion's Width controls...

  • 7

    Which is not a Vocoder mode?

  • 8

    Frequency Shifter's alternate mode is called...

  • 9

    Resonator includes how many Resonators?

  • 10

    Redux is a type of analog distortion. True or false?

  • 11

    In External mode, Vocoder's external signal provides...

  • 12

    Audio effects aren't truly creative. True or false?

  • 13

    Beat Repeat can only be used on rhythmic source material. True or false?

Ableton Live FastTrack 206
Live's Creative FX
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